Ras Asan

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The Charms of Failure

The master has failed more times than the novice has tried. Philosophically, our failures are also representations of time past. Our movements through the space-time continuum. Our steps in a process are often numbered denoting their relationship to one another and the sequence of their interconnected yet disparate parts. Often the focus is on the action of what one did, but the wise focus of when and why. Timing is everything, therefore order is paramount to any undertaking.

The master has failed more times than the novice has tried. With each attempt the master is able to iterate the necessary elements for the ideal outcome; rightfully discarding or saving ancillary elements until their utility becomes integral. Knowledge (1) Wisdom (2) Understanding (3) - the third time’s the charm. Our 1st attempt is usually based on information we have acquired. Whether it be hearsay, something we read in passing or in deep concentration. Regardless, even in their spontaneity, intelligent people (or so-called) do not jump into thing blindly. They use their facts truths and principles acquired up until the point of opportunity recognition then delve in. Whether drawing from experience or insperience (often both)people do not go into things totally void of vision. Even children use their circumscribed knowledge to navigate situations and although they would not be able to explain how they’ve reached a conclusion, their ignorance of the impetus of action does not negate their immature rationale, which at its essence is still rational. If our goal is to reach a desired end of some kind, its amazing how often our first attempt ends in failure or synonymously said, our desired end eludes us after initial effort.

Energy becomes matter at high frequency. The immaterial becomes material through repetition of a unique vibration. If this universal principle of vibration has any merit, then a one-time event has no real staying power. The singular occurrence is but a point in the space time continuum, void of a substantial reference point until the second attempt comes about and undergirds the existence of the first. In fact, there can be no true “first” unless there is a second or another “one” that succeeds the first. The second one is commonly referred to as “two”. If our 1st attempt at achieving our goal is based upon our own knowledge points along the spectrum of epistemology, the 2nd attempt denotes experience and iteration or being wise about how we approach a thing. Being wise by definition is being familiar with a body of knowledge. In my estimation immersion is the best way to learn or familiarize oneself with the subjects of an object. Out of immersion we are able to see new perspectives that catalyze new actions.

Sometimes they are actions that would not have registered as valid until we see ur object anew. Our second “one” crystallizes the first “one” but the second time is not said to be the charm. Why then does a third “one” possess an authentic allure? The third “one” denotes the passing of tie evidenced in our movement through space. The 3rd “one” is the charm because now we can confidently say we have frequency, repetition. Frequency is symbolized by wavelengths of vibration and the M represents frequency - a peak, trough, and another peak. It is through our third attempt at our desired goal that we gain understanding. Personal comprehension or a unique relationship to a body of knowledge by way of familiarity is the sweetest and best part. But how often do we experience the pains of our 1st attempt and stop there. Then how often are we met with disappointment on our second one that we were sure we had mitigated after our 1st failed attempt. And how often do we let this fear, disappointment, that congeals into heartbreak & ache stop us from attempting a third time? Keep us from the frequency that is necessary to manifest our ideas into reality. Yes failure is good because it is the beginning of manifestation. Frankly, if you’re not willing to push through the mire of failed attempts you don’t deserve the intrinsic charm of the 3rd time nor the charms that come from achieving a desired goal.